A Limerick Series for Michael Halloran
On the Advent of his 80th Birthday
by Steven B. Katz
There is a professor named Michael,
who taught the rhetorical cycle;
his first name was Stephen
but because of his Reason
there was no contradictio.He was my doctoral chair;
at that time I still had my hair!
But he forgot my exams,
I became a bald man—
my dissertation did finally appear…At Chapter 5 he came in to see me;
in the hospital bed I was beaming:
“I looked at your work;
you’ve got a great book.”
It’s too bad I was bleeding!At my defense I looked a ghost—
a story he told as a roast:
“Cut it in half”;
I almost collapsed.
What emerged was a toast to Pathos.Two of his students endowed,
Michael was awfully proud.
He was so filled with pride
he had martinis on ice:
Even the olives were soused!Now Michael has rounded his 80’s;
he likes his potatoes with gravy;
but keep Russel at bay,
or the food far away,
before Michael can savor its flavor!
There’s so many stories to tell;
the past comes complete with lapel:
His students all love him,
we’ll send him our mug, then,
and wish him a birthday lived well!Steven B. Katz